Among the members of the Gang of Four, Wenyuan was referred to "The Chinese One." In 1966, he found himself in hot water when he told a reporter that the Gang was "more popular than Buddha." Things spiraled futher out of control for Yao and the other members of the group the following year when their popular manager, Brian Epstein-zedong, died at the age of 32. At around the same time, an urban legend circulated throughout China that "Yao is dead." School children believed that if the song On a Slowboat to China was played backward, a voice could be heard to say "Yao is dead."
Yao is widely blamed for the Gang's less-than-cordial break-up following his marriage to Yoko Ono in 1969. In 1994, Yao sold the rights to the entire catalogue of Gang songs to Michael Jackson.