BY THE HON. RUFUS PECKHAM - Tour de France champ Floyd Landis tested "positive" for high levels of testosterone during the race, and if the results are confirmed, he'll be fired from the team and probably go back to delivering packages on his bicycle in New York's Little Italy (actually, I have no idea what he did before the race -- I'd never heard of him).

The lesson in all this? It's bad to be too much of a man nowadays.

Mind you, this is nothing new. The feminization of the American male has been in full swing since the '60's, when men were first instructed they needed to acquire greater sensitivity.

Later they were told their chests needed to be shaved, and the shaving didn't stop at that but included everything in sight, and out of sight.

Then they started piercing their ears like girls, and they convinced themselves this was masculine. Then they started to adorn necklaces that only black and Italian men would dare wear in the old days. Pretty soon, they started to smell nicer than the women, and they began to frequent beauty salons where there is scarcely a dirty magazine in sight.

You see, we've brainwashed our young men into thinking it's good to act like a girl. Too much testosterone -- being too much of a man -- is bad. Policitically correct scientists have bought into this, claiming that high levels of testosterone blight social skills.

When was the last time you heard of an athlete being disqualified from a sporting event because he or she had taken estrogen? If someone ever did that, I guarantee you it would be deemed a good thing. But if you take too much testosterone, even though you enhance your performance, you're disqualified. You may even go to jail like a criminal.

Well, let me set the record straight once and for all. What Floyd Landis did, what Barry Bonds did, what most of the other self-respecting athletes do, is good. Being a man is a good thing. Being more of a man by taking testosterone is an even better thing.

And anybody who wants to take me on about that, I am prepared to give you a new adam's apple on the forehead.