PITTSBURGH - A source with the Pittsburgh Steelers speaking under condition of anonimity told reporters today that Steelers offensive coordinator Ken Whisenhut, previously believed to be the front runner to replace Bill Cowher, has been eliminated from consideration. “Whis[enhut] completely muffed on the challenge flag test,” said the source. He added that “Art [Rooney] Jr. even gave him a second try, but Kenny just couldn’t get the arc or velocity on the flag in a manner keeping with Steeler tradition.” Former head coach Bill Cowher was considered to be the top challenge flag tosser among NFL coaches, and several commentators have predicted that the loss of Cowher will expose a new weakness in the Steelers' chances for next season.
The Steelers are said to be flying in former Steeler quarterback Kordell Stewart to interview for the job later today. Stewart is said to be in good physical shape, and is believed to have retained much of his arm strength. NFL insider Beano Cook speculated that the Steelers may take the unique step of naming Whisenhut as head coach but requiring that Stewart assume duties as challenge flag tosser.