DAVENPORT, Iowa -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign swing through Iowa has unexpectedly strained the state's resources. The media horde following Clinton, estimated in the tens of thousands, has overwhelmed airports and hotels, drained the state of basic food stuffs and scotch. Iowa Governor Chet Culver has called out the national guard, issued shoot-to-kill orders prohibiting any more media from entering the state, as well as baring any media already in the state from depleting Iowa's emergency tequila stockpile.

"This really caught us off guard," said Culver. "We're accustomed to presidential campaigns around these parts, but this time the media are like a pestilence. We're going to try dusting them at her next rally to see if we can thin the herd."

Clinton seem unfazed by the swarm following her. "We were prepared," said a spokesman. "We brought our own scotch."