Nine-year-old Jake Wulf's invention of a foot-activated toilet seat was prompted by his mother's incessant scolding to "put the seat down, you useless male!" Jake chuckles because his mother actually fell in the toilet several times after Jake "forgot" to put the seat down.

"What, it's my fault she doesn't have [an organ of copulation] and can't stand up while she pees?" Jake asked.

Jake wasn't content to have his new invention merely lift the seat. "It was my dream to invent a device that would free males from touching anything when they use the head," he explained. The device, which Jake calls the "privy prop," not only lifts the seat but it unzips the male's pants, removes his organ and holds it in place while the subject urinates. After the subject is finished, the device proceeds to shake the organ to prevent drippage. "The shaking is my favorite part," explained Jake. He's even added a repeat shake cycle to enhance the experience. After that, the device replaces the organ inside the pants, and zips up the subject. "There's no need for the guy to wash up because he hasn't touched anything," said Jake proudly.

His mother thinks the device goes too far. "What the hell is all that shaking about?" she screamed. "Since he invented that horrible thing, the little bastard claims he has to pee every ten minutes."