EDITORIAL - Traitorous FBI agent W. Mark Felt slithered out from the excrement of prevarication that encrusts his wretched being this summer and revealed that he was the "Deep Throat" of Watergate.
It should surprise no one that the liberal elite, who for 31 years have tried to dupe us into thinking that the Watergate cover-up and rampant criminality of the Nixon administration were somehow "wrong," is staunchly opposed to criminal charges being brought against this turncoat.
But no less a moral authority than G. Gordon Liddy declared Felt guilty of violating the ethics of the law enforcement profession when he fed information to Bob Woodward that helped topple the Nixon administration.
It is, of course, completely beside the point that Felt was only forced to sneak around parking garages with Woodward because of the criminal actions of Liddy and his cronies, not to mention the President of the United States.
Another impeccable source, Watergate criminal "Chuck" Colson, condemned Felt because he "could have stopped Watergate." Exactly right! It is about time we put the blame for Watergate squarely where it belongs -- on Mark Felt!
This is what you get when you have a free press with nothing better to do than to snoop around for government abuses - a whistle-blowing Judas Iscariot like Mark Felt. The Fuhrer's denunciation of the conspirators who tried to murder him in 1944 applies with equal force to Felt and his liberal sympathizers: "I'm glad the Schweinehunde have unmasked themselves."
Glad, indeed!