The dogs are the primary suspects in a high-profile miniature horse homicide that occurred last week in Pine Township. Both dogs were sent to a California kennel immediately following the incident. They were returned following a hearing in Marin County Municipal Court after Allegheny County District Attorney Steven Zappala requested their extradition last Friday.
Ecker has often been accused of muzzling his clients, preferring to make all public statements. This morning was no exception, although it was the first time in memory that Ecker’s clients appeared with him actually wearing muzzles. "First of all, let me say that I haven't talked to my clients yet but they are innocent of all charges," said Ecker, pulling against the leashes in an attempt to restrain the dogs. "And they strongly resent the way they have been portrayed by the media." As he continued berating the members of the press for the "simplistic, sensationalistic and seamy" way they have portrayed the dogs, he slowly began leaning backward until by the end of his harangue he was nearly horizontal with his snarling clients. Digging his heels into the ground for traction, Ecker, who was now visibly sweating, said both dogs "looked forward to the opportunity to present their side of the story." He predicted they would be "completely exonerated" and "back doing the normal things dogs do in no time." A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Friday.