WASHINGTON, D.C. - In an emotional speech before the National Congress of Black Women, the Reverend Jesse Jackson excoriated "gangsta rap" and a host of other "negative influences" on urban youth, but spent most of his time denouncing "the inner city's most serious problem" -- black-on-black horn honking.
"When our brothers toot-toot-toot, rat-a-tat-tat their horns at one another with minimal provocation, it is tantamount to using the 'n' word," Jackson said. Young black males are "wrongly taught that keeping their hands off the horn is 'acting white,'" he said.
Comedian Bill Cosby, the next speaker, said that he believes the biggest problem in the inner city is Jackson's accent. "I can't understand half of what he says," Cosby said. "The only thing I could make out was 'toot-toot-toot.' The man ought to stop flying around the country, getting his face all over the TV, and use some of the money he'd save to buy himself 'Hooked on Phonics' so that white folks, like me, can understand him."