HOLLYWOOD - Angelina Jolie is 30, and she's been divorced twice. Her paramour, Brad Pitt, last year emerged from an emotionally messy break-up with Jennifer Aniston. The news that Jolie is expecting Pitt's child this summer raised a delicate concern for the Hollywood couple: will the baby be faithful to his or her parents?
"I intend to invest a lot into this relationship and don't want my baby sneaking around behind our backs looking for nurturing and affection elsewhere," Jolie said. Pitt said that the couple will know if the baby develops the same roving eye as his parents. "We'll pick up on the little things to know if he's become -- how do I say it? -- emotionally unavailable to us. After all, his mother and I are experts on the subject. For example, if he calls us from day care to tell us he's running late -- that he got tied up coloring or climbing on something -- we'll know he's cheating on us."
Jolie is so concerned, she's doing a preemptive strike by having her attorney draw-up what she calls a "pre-natal agreement" to provide that the child gets nothing if he looks elsewhere for love (she is utilizing the same language she uses for all her husbands). "That's just a formality because I intend to make this relationship work," she declared.