DEAR ABBY: I am thinking about trying something unusual, and I would like your opinion. I am a divorced mother of two who is fortunate to have an excellent relationship with my ex-husband and his wife. We all believe that the children come first. For many reasons, I believe the best arrangement may be for all of us to live together. My ex and his wife could have the upstairs, I would have the basement. We would not have to venture into each other's space unless invited, but the children would have easy access to all of us. Have you ever heard of this working? -- L.C. IN MISSOURI

DEAR L.C. IN MISSOURI: Yes, L.C., I've seen this arrangement work quite well -- when practiced by the Mbuti pygmies of the Ituri Rainforest. I strongly suggest that if you have an urge to live as a primitive savage, you move at once to the Rainforest where you will be free to practice whatever morally destitute custom suits your depraved fancy. You apparently have never been exposed to the Judeo-Christian ethics that have governed the conduct of enlightened people for thousands of years. The most beneficial byproduct resulting from your departure would be your complete removal from polite society.

I would be happy to elaborate if you'd so desire.

The Hon. Rufus Peckham