Roadhouse also said that Kasatka had been abused as a calf, ironically by the same clergyman who abused former congressman Mark Foley. "This does not excuse her misconduct, but I thought we should mention it because it may lead people to think she should be excused," said Roadhouse. He added that if it turns out Kasatka was not abused by the priest, "then maybe she was drunk at the time she acted out."
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld arranged for the orca to appear via satellite on David Letterman's show to apologize to the nation. Roadhouse said she is also scheduled to meet with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to apologize to them directly.
Audience members who witnessed the incident have threatened to sue and are requesting that the orca meet with them so they can express their pain to her directly and, hopefully, squeeze some money out of her.
Actor Mel Gibson has sent Kasatka a note saying that he "feels her pain."