HOLLYWOOD - "The thing that's most real about reality television," producer Bradleys Roadhouse was saying over a cup of mocha chai latte, "is that real people are watching it."
And that's all Roadhouse needed for television's newest reality show, "Who Wants to be an American Reality TV Hero?" premiering this Friday on the Carbolic Smoke Ball (CSB) television network.
The premise is that groups of strangers compete against each other to see who can stay awake the longest, eat the most snack food and change the channel the fastest -- while watching other reality TV shows. "It will be scintillating television," said Roadhouse.
"We're going to come out smoking," said Roadhouse. "The first show, we've got two groups of college lesbians pitted against each other in a 'find the remote' competition. They'll wrestle and claw at each other, and hopefully even rip each other's clothes off, to get at that remote." Roadhouse smiles broadly. "Finally, quality TV in a reality show setting."
If all goes as planned, Roadhouse has a spin-off in the works that will show real people watching this show. He calls it, Who Wants to be an American Reality TV Hero Watching the Original Who Wants to be an American Reality TV Hero Show?